Match Official missing
In all matches: If you are missing an AR (same applies if both ARs are missing), the centre referee goes ahead with the game. The centre referee may ask either club (or both is you’re down 2 ARs) to provide a “club linesperson” – their role is to tell you, i.e. the centre referee, when the ball goes out of play by crossing a touch or goal line. The centre referee may choose to take their advice on which way the throw is to go, but the decision is up to the referee. Likewise, the referee may allow the “club linesperson” to indicate an offside, however the decision is with the referee and anyone acting as a “club linesperson” must understand that the referee may or may not choose to respond to their offside calls.
In u11 – u14: If the centre referee is missing and no senior referee is present at the ground, one of the appointed ARs will need to fill the centre ref role. If you are an appointed AR, then you will be able to access the team sheet and, at the end of the game you need to note in the referee comments section of the team sheet who referee the game. Provided that the game started after the scheduled start time for the particular game, if the appointed centre referee arrives AFTER the game has started, he/she is to take up the spare AR role – they do NOT take over as centre referee.
In u15 and u16/17: If you are an appointed AR to a game and you have turned 14 or older, if the appointed referee is missing you may move to the centre as above. If neither AR is 14 or more, then the ground official will need to contact the SCCSA Match Controller (by phone) to determine what to do. If it is decided that the game will be played with coaches refereeing, the appointed ARs (who are both under 14) may continue as ARs in the game. In this situation the ARs will submit the team sheet/results at the end of the game.
In all senior men’s games: If you are an adult appointed AR to a game or if you regularly referee senior men’s games, and the appointed referee is missing you may move to the centre as above. If no AR meeting the above criteria has been appointed the teams will need to contact SCCSA to determine how to proceed. If it is decided that the game will be played with coaches refereeing, then the appointed junior ARs may continue as ARs in the game. In this situation the ARs will submit the team sheet/results at the end of the game.
In Senior Women’s games: If you are an appointed AR to a game and you have turned 16 or older, if the appointed referee is missing you may move to the centre as above. If neither AR is 16 or more, then the teams will need to contact SCCSA to determine what to do. If it is decided that the game will be played with coaches refereeing, the appointed ARs (who are both under 16) may continue as ARs in the game. In this situation the ARs will submit the team sheet/results at the end of the game.
Jewellery - Instructions from FIFA
Beaded hair
If a player is wearing hair beads the hair must be tied in a bun or covered by a hair net. Loose beaded hair should not be allowed.
All bracelets (including metal, rope, fabric, leather, etc.) must be removed. Medical alert bracelets may be worn. The bracelet must be covered by tape (with the exception of the medical information).
Body piercing
Piercing not visible to the referee is of no concern. Should the piercing become visible the referee will ensure the item is removed.
No earrings are acceptable. The practice of taping earrings is not acceptable.
Facial ring
Any kind of jewellery on the face or around the eyes must be removed.
GPS units or heart rate monitors
This equipment is not permitted to be worn by players.
Metal clips / bobby pins
These are deemed to be dangerous items and must be removed. Elastic/rubber hair bands are permitted.
All necklaces must be removed. Medical alert necklaces may be worn provided they are taped securely to the chest. The medical information must not be covered by tape.
No rings may be worn. The taping of wedding rings is not permitted.
Tongue piercing
Rings/studs through the tongue are discouraged for the players’ own safety. Should the referee detect a tongue piercing, the referee will ensure it is removed.
Players (but not match officials) must remove all watches.
Grading the seriousness of the offence leading to a red card
From the start of the 2020 season in all SCCSA games, if a player receives a red card (sent off), the referee will be required to grade the seriousness of the offence on a scale of 1 (least serious) to 5 (extremely serious).
Remember, the grading relates to the seriousness of the offence, NOT how annoyed it made you or how much you dislike the player involved. You MUST keep personal feelings out of the equation and grade ONLY according to the offence.
The following schedule is a guide to determining the grading of various offences.
You will note that there is no grade 5 included. Please note that a grade 5 offence must be an extremely bad offence – remember the player will not receive an automatic suspension for a grade 5 offence but will be required to attend a judiciary hearing. The referee involved may also be required to attend to justify the grading – see further info at the end of these guidelines.
R1 (Serious Foul Play)
Grades 1 and 2 Example 1 : A tackle that demonstrates excessive force (e.g. a studs up tackle that strikes an opponent’s leg) but does not cause injury. Example 2: A player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force or endangers the safety of an opponent.
It is unlikely that many tackles such as the above would be graded as “1”, however in some extreme
examples of the above “3” may be appropriate.
Grades 3 to 4 Tackles that actually cause injury to an opponent should be generally graded 3 or 4. A more serious injury would generally suggest that there was more malice in the tackle than one that caused only minor injury and would thus gain a higher grading. A grading of 3 or 4 here indicates that it is a very serious offence.
R2 (Violent conduct)
By its very nature, violent conduct would rarely be graded 1. Most violent conduct is committed in the “heat of the moment” and should attract a grading of 2 or perhaps 3 if there are punches thrown. If physical violence is clearly pre-meditated (not heat of moment, e.g. running in to situation to throw punches) then a 3 (or 4 in extreme cases) is appropriate.
If a player strikes or attempts to strike you, or your ARs it is graded as 4 AND a full and detailed report is required as we will probably have the player charged with assault (if there is contact)
R3 (Spitting)
Spitting AT someone may be low level 1 or 2. If it is clear that the spitting was not intended to actually hit an opponent a 1 is sufficient, if unsure then grade it as 2
Spitting ON someone (i.e. actually making contact) is more serious. Grading would be 3 if spitting was on shirt, boot etc. If it is on the face then it is graded as 4
If a player spits AT or ON you or your ARs it is graded as 4
R4 (DOGSO handball)
Where it is an obvious reflex action grading is 1
Where hand ball is clearly intended grading is2
R5 (DOGSO general)
A DOGSO offence would generally be graded at 2 or 3 depending on the seriousness of the offence. If it warrants a grading of 4, then it is probably more likely to be SFP than DOGSO
If you have chosen to send off a player who has used unacceptable language or gestures but has done so in frustration, grade it as 1.
If a player directs OFFINABUS at another person, grade it as 2 unless it is very high end language, in which case it becomes a 3
If a player directs OFFINABUS at you or your ARs grade it as 3 or, if it is high end language, grade it as 4
If a player threatens you and or your ARs, it is graded as 4
R7 (Second yellow)
A player receiving a second yellow card would normally be graded as 1. If both yellow cards were “high end” yellow cards, then grade as 2
I note again that none of the above guideline include any grade 5 offences. If you think that an incident warrants a grading of 5, you may indicate at the end of your report that you believe that a grading of is warranted. Members of the Executive will consider your report and may upgrade the grading to 5 if it is considered that such a grading is appropriate.
The following are differences between normal FIFA Laws of the Game and Rooball as played within the SCCSA and focuses on those areas where FIFA Laws of the Game are modified
GAMES ARE NON-COMPETITIVE – There are no points table or championships.
The centre mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. A circle with a radius of 7m is marked around it.
The length of the touch line must be greater than the length of the goal line.
Length (touch line): minimum 60 m maximum 70 m
Width (goal line): minimum 45 m maximum 50 m
The goal area is a semi-circle with a 7-metre radius this is marked on the field from the centre of the goal line.
A flag post, not less than 1.5 m high, with a non-pointed top and a flag must be placed at each corner. A quarter circle with a
radius of 1 m from each corner flag post is drawn inside the field of play.
A goal must be placed on the centre of each goal line.
The distance between the posts is
Length: minimum 5 m maximum 6 m
Height: 2 m
All matches are played with a size 4 ball.
A match ball must be given to the referee before the start of the match by both teams.
A match is played by two teams, each consisting of not more than nine players one of whom is the goalkeeper and up to five
interchange players. A match may not start if either team consists of fewer than six players. Teams may borrow players from
other teams to make up numbers.
Interchange is unlimited, however the following conditions must be observed
The Referee must be informed and acknowledge the interchange.
Interchange is only made during a stoppage in play (throw in, goal kick, corner, after goal scored or after injury).
Interchange player must enter the field at the halfway point and only after the player being replaced has left the field.
NB- No infringement or sanction will be given, however the referee will give an incident report if Law 3 is persistently ignored
after instruction is given.
A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to him/herself or another player (including any kind of
The basic compulsory equipment of a player comprises the following separate items:
• Club jersey– if undergarments are worn, the colour of the sleeve must be the same main colour as the sleeve of the jersey or shirt.
• Club Shorts – if tights are worn, they must be of the same main colour as the shorts.
• Club Socks
• Shin guards (covered entirely by socks, made of rubber, plastic or a similar suitable material and provide reasonable degree of protection)
• Footwear
• The two teams must wear colours that distinguish them from each other
• Each goalkeeper must wear colours that distinguish them from the other players
In the event of any infringement of this Law the player at fault is instructed by the referee to leave the field of play to correct his equipment and must have the permission of the referee before re entering the field of play
Each match is controlled by a referee who has full authority to enforce the Laws of the Match
The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play, including whether or not a goal is scored and the result of the match, are final.
The team sheet- must be correctly filled out and signed by each player, must be handed to the referee before the start of the
match. A player arriving late may take part in the game once the referee has been notified and their equipment has been
checked. The late player must sign the team sheet at half time.
There are no assistant referees allocated to these matches, however the referee may give permission to a responsible person from each team to indicate when the ball is out.
The duration of the match is two 25 minutes halves with a 5 minute break at halftime. Time is started by the appointed referee whether the teams are ready or not. There is no time added for stoppages or injuries.
A kick-off is a way of starting or restarting play, for the start of the match, after a goal has been scored, the start of the second half.
A goal may be scored directly from the kick-off.
The procedure for a kick off;
At the start of the match teams must enter the field of play from the halfway mark, in a line after the referee has signalled
them by a whistle to come on.
• A coin is tossed and the team that wins the toss decides which goal it will attack in the first half of the match.
• The other team takes the kick-off to start the match; therefore the team that wins the toss takes the kick-off to start the
second half of the match.
• In the second half of the match, the teams change ends and attack the opposite goals.
• After a team scores a goal, the kick-off is taken by the other team.
• All players must be in their own half of the field of play, except for the peson taking the kick off.
• The opponents of the team taking the kick-off are at least 7 m from the ball until it is in play.
• The ball must be stationary on the centre mark.
• The referee gives a signal.
• The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves.
• The kicker must not touch the ball again until it has touched another player.
If the player taking the kick-off touches the ball again before it has touched another player then a 2nd attempt is given. If the
same infringement occurs after the 2nd attempt an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team to be taken from the
position of the ball when the infringement occurred.
In the event of any other infringement of the kick-off procedure, then the kick-off is retaken.
Offside will not be penalised in this game, however deliberately placing a player in a position to gain unfair advantage is contrary to the spirit of the game and is discouraged. The referee can verbally caution the players doing this or penalise such as unsporting behaviour.
as per FIFA Laws
A free kick is awarded for any of the offences outlined in Law 12. All free kicks in this game are indirect.
A goal can be scored only if the ball subsequently touches another player before it enters the goal.
All opponents must be at least 7 m from the ball until it is in play. When a free kick is taken and the opponent is closer to the ball than the required distance, the kick is retaken.
The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves.
There are no penalty kicks in this game. If a free kick is awarded to the attacking team inside the goal area, the kick must be
taken from the edge of the semi circle. Defending players may stand on their goal line.
For any of this Law the throw-in is re taken by the player for a 2nd attempt. Following two foul attempts
a throw in is taken by the opposing team.
A goal kick is kicked from any point within the goal area by a player of the defending team.
The ball is not in play until it leaves the goal area
Opponents must remain 7m from the ball until it is in play.
The kicker must not play the ball again until it has touched another player.
If, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball again before it has touched another player, a free kick is awarded to the
opposing team.
In the event of any other infringement of this Law, the kick is retaken.
Opponents must remain at least 7 m from the corner arc until the ball is in play.
The ball must be kicked by a player of the attacking team.
The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves.
The kicker must not play the ball again until it has touched another player.
If, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball again before it has touched another player, a free kick is awarded to the
opposing team.
In the event of any other infringement of this Law, the kick is retaken.
Each field should have an area marked out as a technical area for each team either side of the halfway line. It should be at least 2m from side line.
Players who are injured prior to the game and therefore are not participating in the game must not be in the technical area.
Interchange players are to remain seated while in the area unless preparing to take the field. They should warm up behind the technical area. They are to stand only when about to take the field at which point they will come to the halfway mark.
Coaches and managers are to encourage parents and spectators to sit on the opposite side of the technical area where grounds allow for this or at least 3m from the technical area.
Coaches are not permitted to enter the field of play unless called on by the Referee. Coaches may walk their team’s defensive
sideline ONLY after requesting permission from the Referee.
Coaches and managers are subject t the same disciplinary sanction as players
Are not to be in the technical area and must be at least 3m away from the technical area, nor stand along the goal line or behind the goals to a distance of 7m.
The following instruction applies to ALL referees regarding injuries to players:
a) When refereeing in age group 11years or under, if a player goes to ground after being hit by the ball or after a tackle and
remains on the ground, play MUST be stopped and the injury assessed (i.e. it is to be treated as if it were a “serious” injury as per the
b) Where play is stopped for an injury to a player in ANY age group, referees are reminded that they must invite the coach to onto
the field to attend to an injured player if the injury appears potentially serious (you are not medical practitioners, so don’t try to
work out how serious the injury is. If the player is in significant pain, treat the injury as serious. In older age groups, you may ask
the injured player if he/she wants the coach to come on). If a coach enters the field before being invited to do so, the matter
needs to be reported on the match report. Whilst ideally, a coach who enters the FOP without permission should be told to leave,
younger referees may find it difficult to do – but a report should be written.
c) If a coach/manager attends to a player on the field, that player (other than a goalkeeper) MUST leave the field. The player can
return when given permission by the referee, but only after play has recommenced. The 2017 changes to the LOTG allow a
player to remain on the FOP for treatment if their injury is the result of an incident in which their opponent receives a red or
yellow card. You should use discretion as to the time taken to treat the player as in our competition we do NOT add time for
injury and we DO allow interchange, therefore neither the player nor the team is disadvantaged by the injured player being
removed from the FOP for treatment.
d) In matches other than 11 years and younger, where a player goes to ground after being hit by the ball or after a tackle and
remains there, the referee must make a judgment call as to whether the injury is serious or not and thus whether or not play
needs to be stopped in order to assess the injury. In making this judgment, the referee should take into account the age of the
player and the nature of the injury (e.g. if the player is obviously is significant pain). This is a judgment call on the part of the
referee and there does NOT need to be visible blood or evidence of broken limbs before play should be stopped. ANY head or
neck injury MUST be regarded as “serious” (i.e. play must be stopped). In matches 11 years and younger, all injuries may be
regarded as "serious" (i.e. requiring treatment)
e) Referees should also note that if a player falls to the ground WITHOUT apparent reason (i.e. they were not tackled or hit by the
ball or struck by another player), this should be treated as a serious incident, play SHOULD be stopped and the player attended
to, as the player may have a medical issue needing urgent attention (e.g. heart attack, diabetic attack, some form of “fit” etc)
The following instruction applies to ALL referees regarding Child Protection
All referees, especially referees who are 18 years and over, are reminded that child protection laws do not allow an adult to touch a minor (the law says “inappropriate” touching, but “inappropriate” seems hard to define – unrequested / unauthorised are probably better terms). So even a “pat on the back” is no longer an acceptable practice. Referees should therefore NOT touch a player or junior referee in any way. In certain circumstances, a breach of this instruction may result in a formal report having to be made to government authorities.