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  1. SCCRA Contacts

  2. Who should I contact?

  3. Training and Important Dates 2024

  4. Match Fees and Payments

  5. SCCRA Bank Account Details

  6. Match times and ball sizes

  7. Caution Codes

  8. Send Off codes

  9. Fitness and Training

  10. Dress Standards

  11. Code of Conduct

  12. Referee Appointments

  13. Inclement (Wet) weather

  14. Abandoned & Matches not Played

  15. Preparing for the Game

  16. Pre-match

  17. After the Match

  18. Report Writing General

  19. Supplementary Reports - Assistant Referees

  20. General Reports (Incident Reports)

  21. Submitting Reports

  22. Assaults

  23. Fines and Suspensions




1.  SCCRA Contacts


Alan Schloss

0410 549 311

Vice President

Lynne Reeves

0429 661 960

​Secretary and Appointments

David Logan

0418 995 452

Uniforms & Equipment

Gus Gillespie


Aiden Kozlowski

NOTE: All members of the SCCRA should read and familiarize themselves with the SCCSA By-Laws for both Junior and Senior Associations; these can be found on the SCCSA website.



Questions regarding laws and interpretations  -  Secretary

Questions regarding reports (Red Card/Incidents)  -  Secretary

Questions/Issues regarding appointments  -   Secretary

Questions regarding payment of match fees  -  President

Questions regarding membership and Blue Cards  -  Secretary

General questions, correspondence, apologies for meetings and Training Nights    -  Secretary

​Questions regarding equipment and purchases  -  Equipment Coordinator

Questions regarding inspections/grading reports  -  Secretary

Questions regarding constitutional matters or by-laws  -  President or Secretary


Remember that ALL members of the Management Committee and Senior Referees are here to help you. If you have any issues they strongly encourage you to contact them to discuss your issues.


3.  Training and Important Dates 2025

Remember that all training (indoor and outdoor) runs from 6.30 to 8pm

INDOOR training for 2024 will be on THURSDAY nights at NCC whilst OUTDOOR

training will be on TUESDAY nights at Palmview

Please note the following important dates for training etc.

SAT 8th  and 15th Feb 

New Referee Course  at  NCC

TUES 18th Feb 

Outdoor Training,   

at Palmview      


THURS 27th Feb 

Indoor Training. 2024 AGM and 2025 Referee Forum  at NCC  


SAT 1st March       

Possible club day games (training session for referees)   

TUES 4th March  

Outdoor Training  at Palmview     

SAT 8th March       SCCSA Fixtures start


THURS 13th March       

Indoor training at  NCC   

TUES 25th Mar      

Outdoor Training  at Palmview            

THURS 21st Mar     

Indoor Training at  NCC

SAT 13th Mar     Mini Rep Carnival

SAT 12th April

Mini rep carnival

THURS 24th April    

Indoor Training at NCC

3rd / 5th May

State Titles - Brisbane

TUES 6th May     

Outdoor Training at Palmview 

THURS  22nd May       

Indoor Training  at  NCC 

TUES 3rd June      

Outdoor Training at Palmview          

THURS 19th June      

Indoor Training at  NCC

TUES 25th June    

Outdoor Training at Palmview 

SAT 5th July

Challenge Cup


THURS 17th July

Indoor Training at NCC 


TUES 29th July     

Outdoor Training at Palmview         

THURS  7th Aug       

Indoor Training at NCC

TUES 12th Aug     

Outdoor Training at Palmview          

THURS  21st Aug 

Indoor Training

SAT 23rd Aug

Semi Finals start

Thurs 4th Sept

Referee Presentation Night at NCC

SAT   6th Sept    

Junior Grand Finals                  

FRI  12th Sept       

Adermann Night


??? Oct         6-a-side starts

​Indoor Coaching/training nights are conducted at the Nambour New Life Christian Church (located at Nambour Christian College) and outdoor sessions are held at Palmview  (Chancellor home ground). Indoor sessions are held on Thursday nights and outdoor sessions on Tuesday nights and   both are a part the continuing development of a referee. Attendance IS COMPULSORY.

All training sessions commence at 6:30pm and run for approximately 90 minutes. If you cannot attend a training night, you must advise the Secretary in writing (email), with a valid reason prior to the session (note that you must send an apology for the individual training session and not just a blanket apology for the season).

Attendance at training nights is one of the major determining factors in the allocation of referees and assistants to all fixtures.

Failure to attend training sessions may also adversely impact on your chances of being appointed a finals position.


4. Match Fees and Payments  2025

                    Referee      AR

U9 /U10     23.93

 U11           32.24          16.12

U12            34.62          17.31

U13            38.21           19.11

U14           42.40            21.20

U15            54.31           27.15

U16/17      62.72          31.36

O35’s         81.30          40.60

Ladies       69.70          34.80

Men           87.70          43.30


​​​Referee payments for both Junior and senior fixtures will be made directly into your nominated bank account by the Thursday following the previous weekend fixture rounds. All members will need to ensure that they have completed the SCCRA member form and advise the Secretary of any and all changes to those details as they occur, failure to do so will result in your not being paid. Also, you must ensure you have completed your team sheets and they are handed in at the grounds BEFORE you leave.


Referee registration fee for 2025 is $90 (junior) $125 (senior)


BANK: Westpac

BSB: 034198

Account#:   688159

Account: Sunshine Coast Churches Referees Association

Our ABN is : ABN 32942355724

6.  Match times and Ball sizes

Senior Men (All) & Over 35’s  45 min halves    10 min break  No. 5 Ball "Sin Bin" is 10 minutes

​​Ladies  40 min halves       10 min break  No. 5 ball  "Sin Bin" is 10 minutes

Under 16/17  40 min halves      5 min break  No. 5 ball "Sin Bin" is 10 minutes

Under 15    35 min halves      5 min break  No. 5 ball "Sin Bin" is 5 minutes


Under 14    30 min halves      5 min break  No. 5 ball  "Sin Bin" is 5 minutes


Under 13  30 min halves      5 min break  No. 4 ball  "Sin Bin" is 5 minutes

Under 12   25 min halves      5 min break  No. 4 ball  (Short Corners) "Sin Bin" is 5 minutes

Under 11  25 min halves      5 min break  No. 4 ball    (Short Corners)  "Sin Bin" is 5 minutes

Under 10  25 min halves      5 min break  No. 4 ball 

Under 9  25 min halves      5 min break  No. 4 ball 

Special Conditions

No slide tackles permitted in O35 and O45 comps

In Kevy Cup, slide tackles are allowed even if teams playing are O45 / O35

Over 45 games allow up to 20 players on team sheets

7.  Caution Codes

Y1           Unsporting Behavior (including dangerous play)

Y2           Dissent by Word or Action

Y3           Persistent Infringements

Y4           Delaying the Restart of Play

Y5           Failure to Respect Distance when Play Restarted

Y6           Entering or Re-entering the Field of Play without the Referee’s permission

Y7           Deliberately Leaves the Field of Play without the Referee’s Permission


When cautioning a player on the field make a note of his/her number, what minute of the game and what the caution code was. Check the number and details with your assistant referee’s at the conclusion of the match. Enter the appropriate Caution Code beside the players name on the team sheet.


8.  Send Off Codes

R1           Serious Foul Play

R2           Violent Conduct

R3           Spitting at Anyone

R4           Deliberately handling the ball thereby denying a goal scoring opportunity to the opponent (except for the goalkeeper in his/her own PA)

R5           Deliberately commits a direct free kick offense, which denies a goal scoring opportunity

R6           Uses offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures

R7           Receives a second caution in the same match

9.  Fitness and Training

​Fitness, as a general rule, is the responsibility of the individual – you cannot expect to gain an appropriate level of fitness with only 1 session per month. Therefore it is very strongly suggested that you develop a physical training program that will improve and maintain your individual fitness needs.

Training nights are designed to target your development and skills as a referee. To enable you to participate in your training activities, you should always bring along ALL your equipment (flags and whistles); a water bottle is also an essential part of your equipment. In addition, you may need to bring other items as directed by the training coordinator (you will be advised ahead of time if needed) – but always bring a note book and pen.


10. Dress Standards

​The physical presentation of the referee and their assistants can set the tone of the match, so please wear you uniform correctly and with pride, how you present yourself to others directly reflects on us all.

All SCCRA Inc. members shall wear the approved uniform of the SCCRA Inc. as follows;


        Approved uniform referee  shirt (short or long sleeve) with SCCRA logo

  • Black shorts with SCCRA logo

  • Black socks plain (junior football) Black socks with 2 white hoops at top (senior football) (long socks folded down at the knee and always up)

  • Boots (predominately black in colour)

  • Cap black (optional) with SCCRA logo


Approved alternate coloured  shirt may be worn provided that:

  • Both assistant referees have this shirt (where referee green shirt clashes with team colour, referee may wear alternative colour with both ARs wearing green)

  • That the alternate coloured shirt does not clash with the teams on the field of play


NB: Uniform (including boots and socks) are to be kept in a good state of repair at all times. Members who fail to adhere to the standard of dress requirements above may be fined or sanctioned or both in accordance with the codes of conduct.

11.  Code of Conduct

The conduct required of members is covered in the SCCSA By-Laws. Important expectations contained within the By-Laws are as follows:

  • Members must declare in any involvement in the coaching, training or management of any team at any level participating in the SCCSA competition.

  • Members must declare in any involvement as a player in any team at any level participating in the SCCSA competition.

  • Members, when carrying out duties as Managers or Coaches of teams in the SCCSA sanctioned matches must refrain from wearing any part of their official referee’s uniform and or any official shirts or caps provided by the SCCRA. This also applies to all members when playing in SCCSA sanctioned matches.

  • All members must treat all other members with courtesy and respect at all times.

  • Members must not criticize the performance of other members to anyone outside the SCCRA either verbally or in writing.

  • Members attending matches, whether identified as a member of the SCCRA or not, must conduct themselves at all times in a manner that does not bring the SCCRA into disrepute by:

        Inciting spectators to criticize referee’s

  • Disparaging a referee’s performance to players whilst acting as an Assistant Referee

  • Behaving in a manner contrary to the community standards.



Player Referees and Officials

Referees who play or are club officials must understand that they are scrutinized by other teams, club officials and spectators. Consequently, their application of the laws while playing a game should reflect positively on the SCCRA.

Player/Referees and Officials who are suspended by the SCCSA during the season are also automatically suspended from refereeing. Upon notification of a referee who plays and is suspended, the SCCRA Management Committee will review the dismissal/suspension of the member concerned and may issue one or any combination of the following actions:

  • Suspension for a period of up to 3 times that of the SCCSA suspension period

  • Officially sanction or require the member to show cause in writing which they should not be sanctioned

  • Dismissal from the SCCRA

  • At their discretion any combination of the above actions


It is also the responsibility of the member suspended by the SCCSA, whether it is as a Player, Team Official or Spectator, to inform the SCCRA Secretary and Appointments Officer immediately. Failure to do so may result in an increased penalty.


Impartiality must be Visible

When you are a Referee or Assistant Referee at a match, you must be completely impartial at all times. This particularly applies if you have a known association, such as a player or official with one of the clubs participating in the match you are involved in.

It is important that, apart from being impartial, you must also be seen to be impartial. As Referees or Assistants, do not sit close to the players but set up well away from the teams, even if it is your team and you are playing later in the day.



12.  Referee Appointments

The Appointments Officers make appointments in accordance with the experience of the member and at the direction of the Training Coordinator.

Appointments are determined by a number of factors, which include experience, ability, performance, fitness and age [for Junior Referees only]

Members who are under the age of sixteen (16) at the first fixture round of the season will be known as Junior Referees. They must not referee senior level matches (Senior Men and Over 35’s) unless given special permission by the Training Coordinator or Committee.

If you wish to be considered for promotion to a higher senior level, an application must be made to the Training Coordinator. The Training Coordinator will then consider this application and an assessment of suitability will be made. The applicant will be advised of the outcome of the application, including field test requirements, to be assessed as suitable. If you wish to be assigned to a lower level (e.g. Senior to Junior), please advise the Appointments Officers in writing.

Referees MUST NOT referee in any match to which they have not been officially appointed (i.e. by the Appointment Officer).  Any referee asked to officiate in a "friendly" or trial game should refer the person making the request to the Appointment Officer



The Training Coordinator will advise the appointments officer of the level (age group or division) which is appropriate for the individual member. The Training Coordinator will review each individual member’s progress throughout the season and may consult with senior referees/assessors (but is not obligated to), in his considerations. The Appointments Officer is responsible for the allocation and notification of appointments to members.



It is important that the appointments process be followed and time frames adhered to by all members. The appointments process is as follows:

  • Allocations will be expedited as soon as the draw is available.

  • On receiving your allocations via email it is the referees’ responsibility to check the allocation and notify the allocations officer within of the allocations release if you believe you have an issue with the allocation.

  • If you have not notified the allocations officer within the 48 hours it will be assumed that you have accepted the allocation.

  • If you have been allocated games and fall sick, you must notify by phone (not by email) the allocations officer that you are unable to do your game.

  • All referees’ will be expected to travel when required to fields that can be some distance from home. If you are a player, consideration will be given to your match/club games times.

  • It is assumed by the allocations officer is that the information supplied by you regarding availability and team/player involvement is accurate and correct. It is your responsibility to maintain and update your details and other commitments which can and will affect your availability.

13.  Wet weather

Where matches are cancelled on the match day by the SCCSA due to inclement (wet) weather, the Appointments Officer/s will make every attempt to contact affected members by telephone or text message when reasonably practical to do so. This applies also to Friday night (senior comp) and where only selected grounds/matches on Saturday are affected or cancelled. Details will be placed on our website as soon as it is known.

Where a full fixture round, or large proportion of a fixture round is cancelled, the Appointment Officer/s will make every effort to advise members of the situation. This will be generally by email/text message or on the SCCSA and SCCRA web sites.

If the weather is inclement, it is advisable to check your emails/text messages, the appointments page and the SCCSA web site ( before proceeding to your match.


If in doubt contact the Appointments Officer/s.

Members are not entitled to payment in these circumstances when matches are cancelled by the SCCSA and the referees are notified, or reasonable attempts (as outlined above) are made to notify them before they attend the ground.


​​14.  Abandoned and Matches not Played

Matches not commenced

If the referee attends a field for a match to which he/she is appointed and the match is not played because of the conditions e.g. wet weather, field unfit to play inadequate lighting, inadequate field markings etc., then the full circumstances MUST be reported to the Secretary as soon as possible. Referees MUST submit an “Incident Report” (see Annex A). As a general rule, the Referee and Assistant Referees will be paid the normal fees for that match.


Matches Commenced but Abandoned before Completion

There may be rare circumstances where a match is abandoned after play commences, for a variety of reasons. These may include worsening weather conditions (e.g. torrential downpour, lightening etc.), blackout of lights, unruly crowd or player behavior, including assault or threatening match officials. Again, the full circumstances MUST be reported to the Secretary as soon as possible and an “Incident Report” written detailing the circumstances. As a general rule, match officials will be paid for matches abandoned as stated herein.


Forfeited Matches

Referees will be paid full match fees for late forfeits, that is, matches where insufficient players (minimum of 7) turn up to start the match, or where a team falls below the minimum of seven players due to send- offs (dismissals) or other circumstances.

Forfeits including the name of the forfeiting team must be advised to the Appointments Officer at the first opportunity after the scheduled time of commencement of the match. There may be some situations where the Appointments Officer learns of a late forfeit and advises you prior to the scheduled time of the match. Remember, if you are advised of a forfeit and you’re at the grounds 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time, you will be paid full fees.



​15.  Preparing for the Game

Day Before the Game

  • Make sure you have confirmed your appointments (check email and appointment sheet).

  • Plan your trip allowing plenty of time to arrive at the ground, at least prior to your match.

  • Be conscious of your diet – drink plenty of water.

  • Transfer match details to your notebook.

  • Remember to pack a chair, consider an umbrella etc.


Before you Leave Home

Check the appointments page.

Ensure that your bag contains the following items:

  • Notebook (consider a re-sealable lunch bag to protect from wet weather sweat); to record details – goals and scorers, cautions, send offs etc.

  • Watch (with countdown timer preferred).

  • Whistles (FOX 40 Classic or similar x 2)

  • Flags

  • Red and Yellow cards

  • Coin

  • Towel (Change of clothes), plastic bags for wet gear.

  • Drink bottle (Water)

  • Cap (SCCRA authorized if needed)

  • Sunscreen

16.  Pre Match Activities

Arrival at the Field

Unless travelling between fields, you must arrive at the field at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled kick off time of your match.


​Inspect nets, corner flags, line marking and condition of the field (no matter if you’re the first or last game of the day), note down any faults and record them in the commentys section of the electronic team sheet at the end of the game.


If you have assistant referees appointed, ensure you give them instructions on the duties you expect them to fulfill. Remember, you are a team and must function as a team. Referees should instruct assistants on what responsibilities are given to them and the ways in which they communicate with the referee. If using comms, the referee should indicate how the referee expects comms to be used (eg how and when to indicate that a player is offside. how sin bin is to be managed etc.)

Before kickoff, count the number of players on the field

​​Select a ball from each team and make sure it complies with Law 2. Give the spare ball to an assistant referee. He/She should place it near the half way line.

Note: The Referee is not responsible for determining the eligibility of players to participate in a match. In cases where there is disagreement between teams related to player eligibility (such as incorrect division, age group/cross playing, suspension), note the issue in the comments section of the electronic Team sheet.

Starting the Match

Approximately 3 minutes before kickoff time, with your assistant referees on either side, walk smartly to the centre circle carrying the ball in your hand. On arrival, give a strong blast on the whistle to summon the players on. Have the assistant referees check the players equipment.

Call both teams together (usually in centre field) and remind them about jewellery, instructing them to remove any jewellery whether 'visible or not'. Do not issue any threats or warnings to players.

Player’s equipment that must be checked includes:

  • Boots – no burrs on the studs and make sure when a player has screw-ins that the metal is not showing through as it can leave a very dangerous/sharp centre.

  • Numbers on shirts (no two the same). Note that numbers are NOT required in junior football, however most teams do have players in numbered shirts

  • Shin pads (appropriate and covered by socks)

  • All players are wearing the correct team socks and shorts

  • SKINS must be the black.

  • Jewellry – make sure all jewellery is watches, rings, necklaces, wrist bands, bracelets, earrings (including studs) etc have been removed. The exception is medical alert necklaces or bracelets.

  • Prescription glasses are securely fastened.

Interchange Procedure

The following procedure should be adopted in matches.

  • If an interchange is wanted, the manager/coach and player being interchanged should be in the technical area and attract the referees attention during (and only during) a stoppage in play. Where provided, the AR1 short be the point of contact for the coach/manager

  • The referee at his/her discretion will then allow the interchange to take place

  • The assistant referee (technical side) should ensure that the player being interchanged has left the field of play before the replacement enters or comes on.

  • If a player on the field of play wishes an interchange, he/she should indicate to their coach/manager. The referee and assistant referee should take no notice of a player who asks to be replaced.

  • The assistant referee does not authorize an interchange to take place. He/she simply indicates to the referee by a signal that an interchange is requested only during a stoppage.

Away Team Jerseys

In the event that the teams scheduled to play a match are from the same club and no away jerseys are available, the second team noted on the schedule shall be known as the away team, the following procedure should be adopted.

  • In this event the away team shall wear numbered bibs that correspond to the club jersey and the number that they have signed on the team sheet (if wearing number 10, then the bib number will be number 10 and so on), this will be the case for all members of the team.

  • The goalkeeper must be clearly identified by all players and yourself (not wearing the same colored bib or clash in color with the opposing team).

  • All clubs carry numbered bibs and it is the responsibility of the coach/manager to ensure they have these available in such circumstances.

Short Corners

Referees should note that short corners apply for Under 11 and 12 fixtures, i.e. 5 metres in from the junction of the goal line and the edge of the penalty area.  NB measurement is from the penalty area NOT from the corner, so on a narrow field, corners are taken from the corner.

17.  After the Match

At the Ground

Where official Assistant Referees are appointed, they will run to the Referee when the half time and full time whistle is blown. You will then walk smartly from the field as a team.

Return the ball/s to their respective team managers (don’t forget to ask each coach/manager for their best and fairest player), write them down in your notebook.


Immediately after the match (in the referee area), compare notes with your assistant referees (goals, cards), on any issues relating to the match including coach/manager behavior, field conditions etc. .

Complete the Team Sheet as follows:


  • Note the goal scorers
  • Record Caution and Dismissals (yellow/red cards)

  • Record fair play points etc.

  • In the remarks section note done any issues relating to the field/injuries/behavior etc. If  the number of a player is not on the team sheet, approach an official and request clarification.

  • Make sure that the name of all 3 match officials is listed correctly

  • when the team sheet is complete, press 'submit'  NB ANY of the 3 appointed match officials can complete the team sheet


Where to Stand at Half and Full Time

Be aware of your exit point from the field at half and full time (you should mention this during your instructions to your assistant referees). If the match has proceeded smoothly, stand nearer to the exit point. However, if the match has not gone so well, or you anticipate trouble with players or officials,  stand closer to the “far side of the field. This will give you a wider view of the field and discourage players or officials challenging you.

Likewise, if you anticipate trouble between the teams or officials, place yourself near the players or technical areas.

You need to decide on the best position for you when you blow your whistle for half and full time. Remember that your close presence can prevent problems, but, your presence can also invite problems.

As stated previously, as soon as the half or full time whistle is blown, the assistant referees will run to the referee. You should then leave the field as a team.


The Team Sheet

Accurate and full completion of the Team sheet is essential, as it becomes the official record of the match. It is utilized by SCCSA in determining the allocation of competition points and Player of the year points, also Adermann points.

There are a number of sections, which are of particular importance on the Team sheet:

  • Player of the Year – this applies to competitive age competition only

  • Referees Comment/Report – use this section to report on anything unusual, such as the match starting late, Nets not secured properly, Corner posts falling over constantly, field not marked or faded etc.

  • Referee’s Report. Give factual and truthful comments, even if they may seem harsh, as this will indicate these deficiencies to the SCCSA so action can be taken to rectify those issues and the fields kept up to scratch in accordance with the laws of the game.



Awarded to the best and fairest player in the competitive age groups (U11 and up). The Referee can only vote for 1 player from a game, the referee is to mark the team sheet with an R in the B&F point’s column, the coach from each team is to give a vote to a player from the opposing team. Therefore on the two team sheets from the game we should see two (2) C’s and 1 R. Note, a player receiving a Yellow or Red card is not eligible for a vote.


The Fair play award is to encourage the positive spirit in which the game should be played, this benefits the referee’s, the players and the parents, your assistance in this is greatly appreciated, Make sure you complete this section on the team sheet for U9’s to U16/17 (graded from 5 to 1, 5 being the most points) see ANNEX.A.


When You Arrive Home

It is vital that as soon as possible after you arrive home that you complete any red card or incident reports  and submit the team sheet (if you did not do so at the ground). This MUST be completed and submitted  by Sunday morning.

Abandoned and Forfeited Matches

Referees are reminded that they are not the arbiter on the outcome of a match that has been abandoned or forfeited. The role of the referee is to report the full circumstances surrounding the matter to the SCCSA and SCCRA Secretary by completing an Incident Report as previously mentioned (ANNEX.D.  ), notating the team sheet (where applicable) and then submitting the report in detail, specifically in situations that follow;

  • Incidents involving misconduct (all in brawl)

  • Threatening abuse by coaches/managers or spectators

  • You are assaulted on or off the field by a player/coach/manager or spectator.

Do not inform a coach/manager or player/s that they have won by forfeit or because the game was abandoned, The SCCSA will make a decision in these cases, remember it is not your responsibility to make such decisions, also, under no circumstances are you to provide a personal view to a team official on the outcome of such incidents as mentioned above, the referee shall inform the team official that they will submit a report to the SCCSA and they will be advised of the outcome from the SCCSA of their determination and decision.

18.  Report Writing General

A report is a structured and factual written presentation which is part of our duties. When writing a well written report you should  write in the order of the situation as it developed from the start, this will give an accurate picture of the events to the disciplinary committee on which they can base their deliberations and decision.


When writing these types of reports and the details therein, it is best to always keep in mind the 5W’s: Who?   What?    Where?    When    Why?


  • Present the report in dot point or short paragraphs

  • Present the details in sequence

  • Keep accurate/relevant and objective

  • Clear and concise language

  • Take care with descriptions


  • Be Emotive

  • Be subjective or show bias

  • Give opinions or interpretations (point of view)

  • Collude/discuss with another official who is also reporting on the incident


  • Are the facts correct?

  • Is it comprehensive?

  • Is all the information relevant?

  • Correct spelling/grammar

  • Is the report professional/presentable

  • Have I sold my decision?





When you send off a player for any of the above offenses, you MUST do as follows:

  • Make a note of the player’s number and the time.

  • Write down the exact details (including what was said and occurred) after the game.

  • Ask your Assistant Referee’s if they observed the incident, if so ask them to write a report also (do not confer).

  • Confirm that you have the correct player (check the team sheet).

  • If asked politely by a team official you may inform them of the offense (e.g. violent conduct). Do NOT enter into a debate or discussion about the incident, you are not required to justify your decision at this stage.

  • Your role as the referee is to make a report; you are not there to make recommendations regarding suspension periods/fines etc.




Note: If you have any difficulties with writing your report, contact a senior referee, he/she will assist you.


Writing the Description of the Incident

While writing every sendoff report will be different there are a number of common questions which you should ask yourself in order to complete a satisfactory report.

  • What time did the incident occur?

  • Where on the field did it occur? (Approximation using field marking, e.g. 5 metres from sideline, two metres outside the penalty area).

  • Which player/s was/were involved?

  • What was the state of the game at the time of the incident? (Tense, flowing well), had there been any previous problems?

  • Had the player/s been in any trouble (e.g. already cautioned)?

  • What were the circumstances leading up to the incident?

  • What was your position at the time of the incident (did you have a clear view)?

  • What actually happened in the incident?

  • What was said by the player/s involved?

  • Was the incident the result of a premeditated action by the player or was it a spontaneous reaction?

  • Was the player retaliating in response to something that had been done to him/her prior to the incident?

  • Was anyone injured as a result of the incident and what was the extent of the injuries (e.g. did the player have to leave the field to receive medical attention and whether he/she returned)?

  • Did the player leave the field immediately after being shown the red card or did he/she abuse you or refuse to leave the field?

  • How did you restart play after the player left the field?


Note: If you feel that the incident is very serious, contact the Training Coordinator or the Secretary SCCRA immediately.

An Example of a Red Card Report and Incident Report are attached as ANNEX.B. and ANNEX.D.



19.  Supplementary Reports by Assistant Referees

You should note that the reports written by your Assistant Referees are only a supplement to those of the referee UNLESS a player was sent off as a result of the AR's report. The referee must submit his/her report as the primary report.

In general , supplementary reports are not required. The most common instance of an Assistant Referee submitting a supplementary report is where a serious incident has occurred and the AR was in a position to directly observe / hear the incident



When the referee sends the player off the field on the recommendation of the assistant referee, follow these steps:

  • Make a note of his/her number, what the offence was and the time the incident occurred.

  • Check the details with referee after the conclusion of the match

  • At this time you should discuss with the referee the details of the incident and make arrangements to speak to each other about the written reports before emailing them in (for technical correctness).

  • The supplementary report is to be submitted in the same manner as a sendoff report.

20. General Reports

General reports are those concerning fields, complexes or players that are not covered by caution, sendoff or misconduct reports. Examples of instances where a general report is submitted include

  • Fields not correctly marked nets inadequate, issues with the actual field.

  • Issues with the player’s equipment such as numbered jerseys.

  • Matches abandoned due to field or whether conditions.

  • Matches abandoned due to player issues (excluding misconduct), such as one team not showing up or not being able to field a minimum of seven players’.

  • Matches abandoned or delayed due to serious injury.


Note that general reports do not involve misconduct.


Writing the Report

All reports other than red card reports are to be written on the “Incident/Injury Report form” format as shown at ANNEX.D.

21. Submitting the Report

All reports must be written and submitted as detailed in section 15, remember  all reports  MUST be forwarded on to the SCCRA Secretary as soon as possible.

22.  Assaults

Should the occasion ever arise that a player, spectator or official assaults you, we want you to take the following action;

  • Abandon the game immediately

  • Do nothing to aggravate the situation, but move away as quickly as possible to a secure area.

  • Write down the names and addresses, if possible, of as many witnesses to the incident.

  • Get medical attention as required and record the extent of injury, if any (regardless of any apparent injury or not you be assessed by a health care professional as soon as possible after the event).

  • Advise the SCCRA Secretary immediately, so we can commence the necessary actions to be taken on your behalf.

  • we will report the incident to the police, charging the offender with assault (regardless of whether you have sustained an injury or not).

  • Prepare a full report for submission to the SCCRA Secretary, after which, a copy will be forwarded on to the relevant football bodies for their action.


Note: If you are unable to submit your report in a timely manner because you are injured, inform the SCCRA Secretary and we will instigate the necessary proceedings.




23.  Fines and Suspensions

With refereeing comes a high degree of responsibility. This is not only confined to your appearance and performance on the field, but to fulfilling the wide range of responsibilities that comes with accepting this role.

No one likes imposing or receiving fines, but the small minority of members who do not fulfill their obligations within the prescribed time frame will be subject to this sanction.


Referees may be fined or sanctioned an amount not exceeding the total of the match fees for the age group they are considered eligible to officiate in. Alternatively, at the discretion of the SCCRA Committee they may be sanctioned or fined, or both. Repeat offenders will be required to show cause as to why they should not be suspended for a period to be determined by the SCCRA Committee.

Examples of offences:

  • Not submitting red card reports within the prescribed time period.

  • Not notifying the SCCRA Appointments Officer of abandoned/forfeited games.

  • Not notifying or late notification to the SCCRA Appointments Officer of availability.

  • Not  rejecting appointments to the SCCRA Appointments Officer within the prescribed time frames.

  • Team Sheets incomplete or not received by the SCCSA within the prescribed time frames

  • Failure to adhere to the guidelines of wearing the correct and complete uniform as detailed.


***Remember, If you look shabby and disorganized it reflects on us ALL***








What you should look for when awarding Fair PlayPointsU9’sto U16/17:

Best Team Spirit:

5 Encouragement to all players by e.g. shaking hands, cheers to opposing team at the end of the game.

4 ½ way between 3 and 5

3 Encouragement to own team players

2 1/2 way between 1 and 3

1 negative comment from players

Best Coaching Spirit:                          

5 Encouragement to all players from both teams sideline

4 ½ way between 3 and 5

3 Encouragement to own team players from sideline

2 ½ way between 1 and 3

1 negative comment from the sideline

Best Attitude to Referee            

5 Thanking referee and not questioning decisions

4 ½ way between 3 and 5

3 Not questioning decisions

2 ½ way between 1 and 3

1 Negative comments directed at the referee









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